What is pink aesthetics? The answer to this question is one of the curiosities of many people who want their teeth and gums to be healthy and aesthetically pleasing. Bright, white, properly aligned teeth are necessary for the beauty of the smile, but they alone are not enough. Gum health and beauty is also an important part of the smile.
What is pink aesthetics? It is an aesthetic procedure that ensures that the gums are compatible with the teeth, healthy and pink in color. There are different applications that can be done for this purpose and are determined according to the needs of the patient. Thanks to pink aesthetics, the person’s smile will be aesthetic and healthy as a whole. This procedure is recognized as one of the important steps of dental aesthetics.
What is Pink Aesthetic Application?
Oral and dental health and aesthetics cannot be considered independent from gums. In addition to teeth, gums are also an important part of smile aesthetics. All problems and diseases in this area will seriously affect the dental health and aesthetic appearance of the smile. Pink aesthetics covers all procedures performed for this purpose.
Different problems can occur in the gums for many reasons. These include gingivitis, asymmetry, and long gum length. With aesthetic dentistry applications, it will be possible to correct these and the person will have natural and beautiful looking gums.
The main purpose of pink aesthetic application;
- Regulation of gum shape,
- Equalization of size and position,
- It is to have a healthy color.
Thus, it is possible for the gum line and color to become aesthetic. This contributes positively to the appearance of the teeth and promises a healthy and beautiful smile.
How is Pink Aesthetics Performed?
Gums can be problematic in terms of size, color and posture for many reasons. Some of the pink aesthetic procedures that provide gums with a healthy color, equal size and size compatible with the teeth can be listed as follows;
Gingivectomy: It is the removal of excess in the gums by surgical procedures. In this way, the tissue that negatively affects the appearance of the teeth is eliminated.
Gingivoplasty: Again surgically, it is the correction of gum tissue. This procedure is often performed together with gingivectomy.
Crown lengthening: This procedure is performed if the gums are too visible during smiling. It involves lengthening the tooth and removing the gum.
Gum coloring: Within the scope of pink aesthetic procedures, various procedures for gum color problems are also applied.
Pink aesthetic procedures are planned and applied individually. Since each patient will have different tooth and gum structure, the necessary procedures will also differ accordingly. Pink aesthetics is usually applied as part of smile design. However, if there are problems such as gingivitis before the procedure, these procedures should be started after their elimination.
Benefits of Pink Aesthetic Application
Healthy teeth and gums and aesthetic appearance are among the conditions that many people care about and want to have. In modern dentistry, there have been many technological and medical developments specific to this field, making it possible for people to have the healthy smile they dream of.
Pink aesthetic applications are also an important part of this perfect smile. The procedures in this field allow the gums to be healthy and of appropriate size and appearance. The advantages of pink aesthetics can be listed as follows;
- Gingival aesthetics helps to prevent possible diseases and problems and to create a healthier mouth and tooth structure. Thanks to these procedures, excess tissues in the gums, inflammation, etc. problems are eliminated.
- Pink aesthetics provides a smile beauty beyond just having aesthetic teeth. It is possible for the teeth to look long, healthy and stand out with these procedures. It supports the aesthetic posture of the teeth.
- Positioning the gums at the appropriate length and alignment facilitates tooth cleaning. It is possible to clean all tooth surfaces and also to prevent any residue under the gums with these applications.