All-ceramic veneers are frequently used in aesthetic dental applications due to their similarity to natural tooth color and their light-permeable structure. The fact that it can be applied very thinly also stands out as a reason for preference. Through the full ceramic coating, the shape and size of the teeth can be regulated, and the teeth can be aligned with each other. These veneers are used to close the gaps of the teeth, correct the worn teeth and eliminate the caries.
For the application of full ceramic coating, an examination including evaluation and measurement of the teeth is required first. The production phase of the veneers, which are designed in three dimensions in accordance with the teeth, is started. The veneers, which are specially produced in the laboratory environment, are adhered to the teeth by the dentist with appropriate methods. Treatment with these materials is more often planned for anterior teeth. For molars, other veneers that look aesthetically pleasing but be made in accordance with the anatomy of these teeth are preferred.
Aesthetic Appearance: All-ceramic veneers mimic the natural appearance of teeth. The ceramic material allows the teeth to transmit light and provides an aesthetically pleasing result.
Durability: Ceramic coatings are generally durable and can be long-lasting. When cared for properly and followed up with regular checkups, ceramic coatings can last for many years.
Biocompatibility: The ceramic material is compatible with gingival tissue and does not cause allergies or sensitivities.
Color Fastness: Ceramic coatings are good in terms of color stability. They preserve the color of the teeth for a long time and reduce the occurrence of staining or discoloration.
EB Smile often makes use of all-ceramic coatings in smile design applications. With three-dimensional designs, the image of your teeth after the procedure is determined and veneer production is made accordingly. Thus, you will get exactly the smile you dreamed of.
We continue our work with an expert and experienced team, with a friendly service understanding. As a dental clinic that has successfully performed the dental treatment and smile aesthetics of many patients from Turkey and the world and has made a name for itself in this field, we happily continue our services. Contact EB Smile for discoloration of your teeth, height inequality and many other problems, and your dream smile will come true.
Smile design is a procedure that aims to achieve the smile of one’s dreams. For this reason, problems such as crookedness, tooth shape and size, yellowing fall within the scope of these procedures.
Smile design or aesthetics is a set of procedures that enable the person’s teeth and gums to achieve the desired appearance. There is a smile design procedure that is suitable for everyone who is not satisfied with their teeth and can be applied for people of any age and tooth structure.
Children should be subjected to oral and dental health practices from the first year of their teeth erupting. After the first teeth erupt, the child should be examined by an experienced dentist. This will ensure that the milk teeth erupt correctly and are used optimally throughout childhood.
It is necessary to guide and support the child in oral hygiene and dental care and to visit the dentist every six months if there is no problem.
Teeth whitening performed by a dentist and with the right products has no known permanent harm. There may be some tooth sensitivity for a while after the procedure, but this situation resolves spontaneously in a short time.
In cases such as excessive and incorrect teeth whitening and using the wrong products, many other side effects may occur.
It is one of the aesthetic treatment methods used in dentistry. Thin dental prostheses that can be produced with different materials can be adhered to the tooth surface, correction of tooth spacing, size change, etc. can be achieved with this process.
Due to its advantages such as the practicality of the procedure and the rapid completion of the patient’s healing process, this application is frequently used in aesthetic dentistry.
There are various treatments for receding gums. Only the dentist can decide which of these is suitable for your case after the examination. Gum recession can cause serious problems. For this reason, you should consult a dentist as soon as you notice the problem in question.
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With EB Smile, all the dental treatments and aesthetic dentistry applications you need are in safe hands! From smile design to root canal treatments, veneers and endodontic procedures, we perform all applications with our skilled and experienced dentists who are experts in their fields.